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An enthusiastic and experienced web developer, I have over ten years experience working in the industry for clients large and small. I focus on HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Accessibility.

Please click the images below to view examples of my work.


Redeye perform site optimisation using an analytics tool called Optimisely to provide both a method of customising the page via JS injection, and analytics via various tracking methodologies. This contract involved taking existing sites, a new design brief, and customising the sites both by overlaying CSS and modifying elements via JS. Once a page had been modified to the new brief tracking would be set up on relevant elements and visitors would be split into different populations to allow engagement levels to be measured. Modifying a site solely by overriding CSS and remodelling layouts using only positioning was definitely an interesting and creative challenge.



Hays Old


Hays New



Haven Old


Haven New









Zipcar before / after


At Tag I was responsible for the validation / compliance checking of the Acer Touch & Type series of microsites, then the translation process into eleven different languages. The second project involved the building of four different versions of the Acer Christmas newsletter (dependent on product and market), then handling their translation into twenty four different languages. The technologies involved were HTML, CSS, jQuery and LESS.

"A Touch More" Campaign's UK Page

Home Page

Hungarian Product Page

Demo Creator


My role at Cisco involved building an interactive front end for their new virtualisation platform, dCloud. Users can run scalable, customizable, fully supported demonstrations anywhere at any time, up to and including full virtual offices with virtual machines, email, voice, video, and conferencing facilities.

Interacting with a highly complex backend using node.js and backbone.js, the UI is an extremely rich JavaScript application offering many customisation options over multiple areas, from system topology down to specific VM details. The end aim is to turn a complex, technical process requiring multiple engineers into a UI-driven intelligent design process requiring minimal technical expertise, to allow world-wide utilisation of the tool with minimal training and support.

Technologies used included jQuery, Highcharts, Bootstrap, SASS, Node, Backbone, and Angular.

Front Page

Home Page

Demo Builder

Demo Creator

Administration Page

Admin Page

Shadow Digital Media

Shadow Digital Media is a company which develops online press packs for new vehicle launches using their own in-house software. During this contract I worked on press packs for Harley Davidson, Mercedes Benz, and Mazda. The packs themselves utilised HTML5 and CSS3, based on a PHP templating / CMS system.

Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson

Mercedes Benz

Mercedes Benz

The Guardian

At the Guardian Media Group, I was working for the Business and Professional department, a digital agency.

This contract involved working for the Business and Professional department, a digital agency within the Guardian group. During the three months I was involved in three projects. The Pod is EDF's greener schools initiative. I added and styled new sections for this existing project.

The remaining two projects involved creating heavily customised data visualisation sites using Highcharts, a JavaScript plug-in that uses a mix of JavaScript, jQuery, JSON and Ajax. All projects run off a .NET back end in an SVN environment, using the Umbraco CMS system in the case of the Pod (Visual Studio 2010, Tortoise SVN). You can view an example of a page below.

The Pod

The Pod

Data Visualisation

Data Visualisation


This contract was to develop a new social networking site called

I was the sole web developer on a team consisting of myself and two Java programmers, with responsibility for all HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Katchup homepage


This was a three month contract at the BBC rebuilding the CBBC website, a comprehensive overhaul involving a large design / UI / UX team. My role was primarily converting Photoshop designs into working assets and extensive CSS work to re-skin the site using existing code in a PHP environment. The project also included integration of both legacy and new features, including an overhaul of the site navigation and addition of new sections. With over one million unique users per day there was heavy focus on optimisation, as well as a strong focus on accessibility to the BBC's extremely high standards.

The launch of the design on March 11th has been a major success, with a raise of 30% in unique user hits and strong SEO results such as top ranking for the search term "Children's Games" on Google.

There is an excellent blog on the whole project by Phil Buckley, the manager of the CBBC website here.

You can visit the new site here.

Old site

CBBC Old Site

Rebuilt site

CBBC New Site

Bite CP

I spent a one week contract working at Bite CP, a great little agency based near Guilford, to help take the pressure off their front-end team. During my brief contract there I built one site and one demo page for two different clients.

Compass International Media

This is the new corporate website for Compass International Media, an Airport advertising company. As you can see, some of the content is not fully ready, but the template and fifteen page website is fully complete and functioning, ready for final content.

Compass International Media Website


Bausch + Lomb / Artelac

This is a demo page for a new Artelac website. This was a very difficult page to build as almost all elements are floated and positioned very precisely. The page also makes extensive use of CSS3 rounded corners and gradients, meaning that a lot of consideration had to be given to graceful degradation and alternate stylesheets. The page is built in such a way as to allow for multiple stylesheets and a CMS system.


Black Sun

I spent two months working at Black Sun, a well known didgital agency based in Fulham palace. I provided support on various projects, including the complete rebuild of the Inchcape corporate website, the Thomas Cook Annual Report 2010, and updating the corporate website.

I also provided support for the emailing side of their Customer Optimisation business, creating marketing emails for Everyone Active and Vertu, as well as the corporate newsletters.

Inchcape Corporate Website and Thomas Cook Group Annual Report

Both are large builds (100+ pages for Inchcape, approx. 50 for Thomas Cook) involving the use of many technologies, including JavaScript, jQuery, and a Java based CMS system.

Inchcape Corporate Website

Inchcape Corporate Website

Thomas Cook Group Annual Report 2010

Thomas Cook Group Annual Report 2010

Black Sun Corporate Website

As well as numerous small updates across the site, during my time at Black Sun I built the new responsibility section, rebuilt the case studies section, and updated the Newsletters section both with new Newsletters and with new code to allow an easier transition to Black Sun's in-house CMS system.

Black Sun Corporate Website

Vertu Emails

Vertu are a company dealing in luxury mobile phones and offering exclusive events and services, such as private viewings of the Mona Lisa or parties catered by Michelin star chefs. They have a very unique look and feel to their brand and are very particular about keeping to branding guidelines in their emails, which must be supported in multiple languages across all major email clients including Outlook (2000 and later), Lotus (6.5 up!), iPhone / iPad, Symbian, Android, Windows Live, Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo! mail, including cross-browser compatibility across all major browsers for web clients. Needless to say, to provide that level of compatibility was a challenge! I spent some time writing and validating a template and guidelines that Black Sun can continue to use for some time.

Below are examples of the Vertu Ferrari XX promotion email, and a page for users to choose and update their preferences in Russian.

Ferrari XX email Vertu preferences

Personal Statement

I am a web developer with over ten years industry experience, working on a range of projects from three page websites for small businesses to large projects for high profile blue chip clients.

My scope of work, although predominantly web development, also includes people management, client handling, proposals, promotional work, and process management. I am a subject matter expert on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DDA, UI/UX and the Adobe suite.

If you require any more information, please contact me via email.

Thank you,

David Catt

Key Skills


For contact details, as well as more detailed personal information and reference details,
please feel free to download my CV here (Word).

You can also email me.